Make memories for your tree with the December DIY Box! It has the materials for three ornaments with links to instructional videos included. A paper wreath, a paper tassel, and a jar ring bell ornament are all easy DIY projects that make beautiful tree ornaments and hand-made gift wrap embellishments.
This product includes a subscription for a Monthly DIY Box, to be shipped to the customer once a month through November. The regular price for the monthly boxes is $24 ($288 for the year if you purchase each month separately), so purchasing the Monthly DIY Box in one lump sum makes it $20/month and saves you $48, basically two months for free.
Each month you’ll receive a package with two or three little projects and the materials you need to complete them.
If you’d love to craft for yourself, if you love to craft with your kids or grandkids, you will get a lot of enjoyment out of this DIY Box. The projects are for all ages and all experience levels.
This box is for anyone who loves to craft, who loves to share DIY craft projects with their kids and grandkids, and anyone who wants to use basic skills with art and work with their hands.
12 in stock